Welcome to Lozells Methodist Church
Our vision is to be ‘a church in the community for the community’ filled with respect and compassion where positive relationships develop and thrive and lives are transformed.
You are invited to Sunday morning worship at 10.30 am in the church – come in the door to the left of the Community Centre.
Please come and join us for worship which is either led by our Minister, Rev Quophie Ababio or other Methodist Local Preachers. Children are welcome at all the services which usually last for just over an hour often followed by
We offer a range of worship styles where all are welcome to come and join in:
Worship service and Prayer Meeting on the 1st Sunday of the month
Holy Communion on the 2nd Sunday of the month with Sunday School
All Age Worship on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Youth Services are held monthly in the Methodist churches around Birmingham when young people plan and lead the worship together.

We are a diverse group of people with a global heritage that worship in the Methodist tradition inspiring faith, compassion and service. Together we run the Community Centre during the week, offering a place of welcome, providing support
and activities for all. Come and meet us in reception to find out more. Volunteers always welcome.
For enquiries about baptisms, weddings and funerals and becoming a member of the Methodist Church please contact Rev Qouphie Ababio Tel 0121 5549360
Please visit the Community Centre page for other weekday activities.